Product Updates!

Over the past couple months instead of making new parts I’ve been working on updating our old parts to be even stronger and better. I even was able to cut costs on a few items and lower my prices!

1.AP1 Front Brake Ducts

The first big update came on AP1 front brake ducts. They used to be mounted from the front of the bumper and bolted on, but I recently took a mold of the AP1 bumper and swapped to a reverse mount like the AP2. This is beneficial because I can now offer a 3” version and the nozzle is much more efficient.


2. AP2 Cold Air Intake Option

Due to a request from Jose Suero, 2019 NASA Honda Challenge National Champion, I made a custom profile for AP2 ducts in order to clear an installed cold-air-intake. It took several iterations to finally fit but we got it! Performed great at nationals and verified brake temps by Jose! Just send me an email after ordering and I can make the CAI option for you!


3. Splitter Quick Release Brackets

Now updated to be much stronger and easier to install. Over 3X thicker than before and easier to produce.

4. Front Upper Control Arm Offset Bushings are now available!

After a few months getting manufactured and nailing down tolerances these are now available to order. Track tested by 4 different cars and have been working flawlessly! Get yours now while they’re still in stock!
